message to Amitabh Bachchan

by: Dima Alhaj Yousef

Dear Batchchan:

"We admonish someone as much as we love and respect him/ her". This is why I'm writing this message to a legendary iconic Indian Actor Amitabh Bachchan, after I saw his chocking, disappointment photo with the prime minister of  the so called "Israel".

First of all I know and I believe that cinema is not just  for entertainment but also to inspire, educate people,  be the voice of the voiceless and make change.

 As we know Bachchan is one of the greatest and most influential actors in the history of Indian cinema as well as the global one.

Dear Bachchan you  have a high impact on your fans and those who watch your movies. Most of your movies have deep message that call for humanitarian and Indian issue, like the woman and children's rights, education right, you also dedicated some of your great movies to call against violence, racism, hateful, bias and corruption!.

You taught us through your great movies such as "Pink,Sarkar,Sarkar Raj, Baghaban, Zanjeer, Amar Akbar Anthony, Main Azzad Hoon, Bhoothnath Returns"..etc and many other unforgettable ones, how to say NO and never be afraid of any rich or powerful  dictatorial man, or any government

 Mr. Bachchan, did you know Israel is a war criminal, it killed thousands of Palestinian children, woman and innocent people, Israel has demolished homes, burned trees and expropriated many lands, As Palestinian we suffered from restriction movement by apartheid wall and checkpoints.

There are more than 400 children in Israel prisons, have you heard lately about Palestinian minor Ahed Tamimi, who is a symbol of resistance against Israeli occupation in the West Bank, Tamimi was sentenced to eight months imprisonment right now.

Did you know how it feels to be accused  and called  "terrorist" just because you resist and defend for your dignity and your right to live in your country as a free country from occupation we have been suffering since 1948.

 I will assume that you don't know anything about the Palestinian issue, and you are not supporting
deliberately the war criminal Netanyahu  to welcome him to India and take photos with him

 I want to remind you of Gandhi's quote "Every murder or other injury, no matter for what cause, committed or inflicted on another is a crime against humanity.

please watch this videos:





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